![]() Cara a.k.a. Arac. Cara is an idiot. Not unintelligent but very very lazy. She tends to act on impulse which somtimes makes her seem rude. Cara is also the author/artist/whatever of this humble comic strip. |
![]() Jenny a.k.a. schmalf. Hangs out with Cara and Chelsea alot. She is a picky eater who gesticulates ALOT. on the outside she seems pretty grounded but every once in a while.... Jenny is awesome. |
![]() Susan Susan is.....Susan. Smart even though she tends to act a bit ditzy (it's a blonde thing i guess). She does crew and she's hot and yeah....acts naiive but she may not be so innocent.
| ![]() Chelsea Chelsea is probablly the most open about her sexuality. She is loud and outgoing. Never a dull moment around Chelsea. It's likely that she was probablly a guy in a past life. Boyfriend? Why pick just one?
| ![]() Sofia a.k.a. Sancho She is one studious little bugger. She likes to read and is learning Italian. Works as a librarian and plays guitar for Bad Luck. Her house usually lacks food so she adopts other people's parents and houses in order to eat. Sorta like a parasite only we love Sofia.
| ![]() Kristyn a.k.a. K.Cola K.Cola is the bassist for Bad Luck. Tends to be very honest....all the time. Unlike some of the other characters she doesn't sugar coat things. Likes to read classic literature. Mad fashion sence. We appreciate K.Cola. ;0)
| ![]() John John has two sides. The talkative (somtimes rude) internet John and the laid back mellow in person John. John plays drums and makes insane 2d video game music on his computer. He says things like "yo" and "your mom" alot. But it's ok cuz his dog is a chick magnet.
| ![]() Paul Paul is John's older brother. He is a republican... He has an adam's apple that would make him a very attractive iguana. And the lady iguanas would be all up ons. He doesn't get out much.
| ![]() Jen Jen is everyone's favorite genius. She's pretty damn french for not being french. (Think about that one) She sorta epitomizes over-achieving white girl. Valedictorian, first chair violin, i'm good at everything. But she CAN bust wicked solos on her violin.
| ![]() Amanda Cara's younger sister she is also a sophomore. Also a drummer. She likes to hang around and be mean to Jenny. She likes animals, anime, classic rock, and laughing at EVERYTHING!
| ![]() Liz Liz is a dreamer...maybe a little to nice for her own good somtimes. She's always there if you need a hug or some encouragment. She sings and plays like a billion instruments. It's insane. |